The United Nations General Assembly will soon reunite most of the heads of state of the world in the tall glass building where our young choir performed the Haitian national anthem just yesterday. At the United Nations security check, the guards are not even letting in a small device, vaguely resembling a pencil sharpener that our cameraman forgot to take out of his bag. However, our young singers’ determination and strength, always aimed to at people’s hearts was not stopped by the detectors. In the words of Andrea Bocelli, who was called to speak at the United Nations ‘theirs, is a necessary revelation’. Andrea also spoke at the closing of the second “Global Exchange”: “It is easy and at the same time intolerable to see the difference between wealth and the most extreme poverty. Whoever really wants to change the world for the better, needs to foster revolutionary thoughts… not quite like the ones history has already seen. Those have already cost too much in terms of human lives, and have one by one almost always failed. I am speaking of the only possible revolution: an internal one which we all have to foster within us. The young singers of the “Voices of Haiti” are ready, they want to fight for their people and make the Earth a better place and we have to support them along the way.” Music is a tool for development. Culture and beauty are used as strategies to relieve anyone out of their difficult situations. Music allows the beautiful souls of our young singers to flourish. The founder of ABF added, “today they are moving us, but tomorrow they will surprise us. These children have shown us so much beauty, and have thanked us with the light in their eyes. The seed that we planted in their paths, can really transform their country”. The children sand at the “Thank You Gala Dinner” and New York’s Cipriani in front of the Princess of Sweden.